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Thank you for all your

ongoing support

We can't be so successful without your valuable feedback and encouragements.



Louise Chan

Mar 25, 2019 - FB - Taiwan

剛剛去完台北苗栗五日四夜之旅,多謝 Angel 及 Debbie 的悉心安排, 細節十分用心,全程不用擔心,車子空间舒適,住宿十分舒服有特色,我和家人玩得十分開心,個個都贊不絕口,下次再參加大黑熊假期, 謝謝你們

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Serena Lee

Mar 18, 2019 - FB - Taiwan

Thanks Roger for getting us a nice and comfie ride with a super long day at Taipei. The kids super enjoy the trip. Hope to see both Roger and Paddy again in TW again next time. Thx Debbie for ur support.


Yuk Yin

Mar 17, 2019 - FB - Taiwan

第二次跟大黑熊假期-台中-苗栗-清境-杉林溪-阿里山七天團多謝領隊Debble-Angel-lrene安排非常豐富行程,仲每曰有警喜,又有豐富禮物,大家都很開心,我同15位朋友日日都充滿能量,可以係大雨睇營火蟲,睇日落,上山睇瀑布享受大自然空氣,更多謝三位靚靚領隊細心照顧每一位團友,令都大家都想再參加大黑熊假期,下次會再興奮,再好玩,我再多謝Debble, Angel, lrene細心安排同照顧大家👍👍👍👍👍👍🥰🥰🥰



Mar 10, 2019 - FB - Taiwan



Christine Wong

Jan 17, 2018 - FB - Taiwan

Thumb up for Roger the most wonderful tour guide and driver I've ever met! I've gone on 3 private tours with Roger in the last 15 months. A five days romantic getaway with my hubby, a fun filled week with friends and an awesome family holiday were all thoroughly enjoyed! 

We got to see the beauty and culture of Taiwan at places other tour groups don't visit, eat the authentic and yummy Taiwanese food with the locals and enjoy Roger's loving care in every possible way! My friends couldn't believe some of the awesome photos I took were shot in Taiwan :) 

Thank you Roger for those stress free holidays because you did all the hard work of planning and booking, showing flexibility and solving all the hiccups 😁 Thank you for all the fun and surprises that made every Taiwan trip so memorable! 

No hesitation at all to recommend Trendy to my friends! And we'll be back for sure .... hopefully soon 😉


Tracy Tsang

Jan 8, 2018 - FB - Sri Lanka

Great Driver and good service

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Fiona Chan

Jan 18, 2019 - FB - Taiwan

非常感謝Debbie 專業planning,令我有畢生難忘嘅斯里蘭卡之旅。無論酒店嘅安排,行程設計,有別於其他旅遊公司。正呀!🎊🎊🎊


Winnie Wong

Jan 17, 2018 - FB - Taiwan

完了4日3夜的墾丁之旅, Thanks for your fantastic planning,a comfortable trip, 司機Roger好 nice, 仲充當導遊介绍不同名勝,非常滿意


Nora Mak

Aug 7, 2018 - FB - Taiwan

Good food, accommodation and service at a reasonable price. We had a very comfortable holiday!


Sarah Li

Aug 6, 2018 - FB - Taiwan



Winnlisa Ho

Aug 7, 2018 - FB - Taiwan



Carmen Wong

Sep 1, 2018 - FB - Taiwan

非常好玩的一次台灣旅程!Roger超貼心的照顧我家小孩,還帶我們到一些特別而且較少港人遊覽的地方,給我們一個不一樣的旅程!去台灣,我只會找Roger 啊!


Simon Lee

Jan 17, 2018 - FB - Taiwan

剛剛完了6日5夜的台中之旅, Thanks for your fantastic planning,a comfortable trip,令我們大開眼界,原來台灣可以這樣好玩的。This is the first time our family 衝出台北(我們之前最遠只去過淡水,連九份,十分也沒有去過😅) We will definitely recommend your service to my friends. See you next time😉(p.s.Thank you for the yummy mangoes🍑 🍌 🍒🍅 and 🔪)



Aug 6, 2018 - FB - Taiwan



Sa Wa

Oct 6, 2018 - FB - Sri Lanka

Shehan helped us a lot during our stay in Srilanka. He organised the best drivers and cars. We had a really safe trip. Thank you


Gina Chung

Jan 8, 2018 - FB - Sri Lanka

之前去斯里蘭卡遊玩的時候,我們的司機終於自立門戶了,他真的很幫我們注意旅行中的細節,那時候看他眼光閃亮的說自己要製作獨家套裝私人景點行程,三年後終於看他自己出來創業,也真的是不簡單! 想去斯里蘭卡玩的朋友可以考慮一下,給他們一個服務的機會喔!

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Kathy Kwok

Mar 22, 2019 - FB - Taiwan



Alex Woo

Mar 16, 2019 - FB - Taiwan

Few times used Dai hey bear service, no matter to Taiwan or Sri Lanka, every time was having fun and unforgettable tour. Well planned itinerary, driver skills and service is excellent. highly recommended.

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Cat Kwok

Mar 17, 2019 - FB - Taiwan

第二次跟大黑熊假期遊台灣,設計行程、細心安排、貼心照顧,令我玩得更安心,真正接觸在地人飲食文化,冇菜單嘅驚喜午餐, 天然溫泉,杉林溪賞檜木、 櫻花 ,阿里山日落雲海,超靚…… 有你哋嘅安排令我慳返唔少腳骨力 🏃‍♀️多謝 Debbie Ho Angel Irene🤩



Mar 23, 2019 - FB - Taiwan

It is awesome to join their tour to Sri Lanka. I enjoyed a lot and looking forward for the next round. Highly recommend Dai Hey Bear Travel.

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Nora Mak

Jan 20, 2019 - FB - Taiwan

Good food, accommodation and service at a reasonable price. We had a very comfortable holiday! We booked


Gomis Chan

Sep 10, 2018 - FB - Taiwan



Beliasa Kwong

Jan 17, 2018 - FB - Taiwan

一趟親人在台湾的婚嫁,亦造就了一趟家庭旅行,那就最盼望不容有失。我們未到台湾,Roger已應我們的需求,預先好吃的館子訂位,使我們無後顧之憂。最最重要,他亦熱愛攝影,甚是有心。人生中,就留着這趟Bravo 的家庭旅行。

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Cat Kwok

Sep 10, 2019 - FB - Taiwan

今次台灣之跟大黑熊假期,玩盡花蓮、宜蘭、仲要玩埋綠島,真令我印象難忘,原來綠島係咁靚嘅 ,沿著海岸線藍天碧海,綠島嘅朝日溫泉超正👍 對住個大海浸溫泉,真係好有溫泉feel 😎仲有晚上觀星 ,夜探梅花鹿,路邊仲有竹節蟲,原來係稀有品種,只有綠島先有,玩得好開心,仲有兩位靚女 Daddie Angel 全程細心照顧,完全感受到佢哋對旅遊既熱誠,令我今次旅途玩得更為安心,我喺呢度都要為你兩位加油加油加油💪💪💪 希望好快我哋又可以一齊再玩個痛快💖

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Gordon Loh

Dec 30, 2018 - FB - Taiwan

We booked through Debbie who introduced us to Roger. From the moment, we contacted Debbie, she began to make arrangements for an itinerary. We must have planned dozens together! But Debbie was never fazed and would patiently explain each attraction only after seeking our needs. Never did she force us to go to any attraction or to only book hotels with her. As the dates drew close, she would even remind us to pack and would also get travel insurance for us.

Roger Tsai was our guide/driver who was patient and professional. He would help us with luggage, suggest what to see and eat with his in-depth local knowledge and even wait for us if we were late, changing the itinerary where needed. He was so patient that he would understand our difficulties when travelling with an elderly parent and a toddler. He never pushed or rushed us. He'd enter the attraction where needed and would not when he wasn't.

Three things stood out in my trip with Roger. He was willing to drive in the pouring rain to get my father's Samsung tablet which he'd left behind in the first hotel. This was after he'd accompanied us on a 3 day trip and had to send us to the airport to catch an early morning flight!

Another was when the hotel we stayed in did not offer laundry services. As any parent who's travelled with kids would know, despite the best intentions and arrangements, there are times when clothing would suddenly require washing. Roger negotiated with the hotel to allow us to get our laundry done with their employees machine.

Finally, Roger was always flexible and helpful. He wouldn't simply just clock off or refuse to help in sorting out the luggage and parcels. When we'd overbought, he sourced for cardboard boxes for us and even taped the boxes!

Overall, we had a wonderful and memorable trip. I would not hesitate to recommend both Debbie and Roger to my friends and family. They really took very good care of us and were extremely hospitable throughout.


Fred Neuen

Jan 9, 2018 - FB - Sri Lanka

Shehan was responsible of providing us with one of the best travel experiences that we ever had. He doesn’t hesitate to go out of his way to make your travel adventure unique.


Cannie Cheung

Jul 7, 2018 - FB - Taiwan

Had an awesome trip in Taiwan! Great planning of the itinerary and car rental! Thank you



Jan 7, 2018 - FB - Sri Lanka

Shehan is a careful, kindly, and very nice guide. He was giving many help during our Sri Lanka's travel. Bring us many wonderful memories.

Sri Lanka is a great tourist attraction.and Shehan is a great guide.


Jeff Tao

Aug 6, 2018 - FB - Taiwan

We had a wonderful trip in Kenting , thank you Paddy to bring us lots of different places, specially brought us to a big grassland and see lots of beautiful stars in a dark night. Wonderful and fun experience!


Polly Leung

Feb 26, 2018 - FB - Sri Lanka

Shehan was a careful & safe driver and was great fun to be with. He isn’t only a driver, also a very well-versed tour guide. He made our trip really nice and enjoyable. Highly recommend him to friends�


Pearl Woo

Jul 17, 2018 - FB - Taiwan


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